Concessional Licensing

Impromptu Event/Run Form

The Club has provided this form to enable members who wish to use the impromptu events provision under the Concessional Licence Code 404. This provides for a member to use their Concessional Licenced vehicle on an impromptu event involving one, or more vehicles, provided it is recorded in advance by the Club.

The Club will not be authorising the run - it is a means for members to register the event with the Club without contacting the Club Registrar who may or may not be available.

Members must make certain that the event/run they are proposing complies with the requirements of the code - a copy of which is available through the Club website.

For vehicles used for ceremonial purposes (weddings, funerals, formals) involving immediate family members, application MUST be made to the Club Registrar so that the event can be recorded in the Club's log book or minutes and a letter of approval from the Club is to be carried in the vehicle for the duration of the event.

This form is to be completed by the Charger Club member wanting to use their concessional licenced vehicle on an impromptu run.

* indicates required fields
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Vehicle Registration * (CAPITAL LETTERS/Numbers only with NO spaces)
Event Date * (Event can only be for one day)
Start Time *
Start (Location) *
To (Location) *
Returning to Start Yes    No * (When "No", please provide further event details)
Event Details *
Declaration * I declare I am a current financial member of the Charger Club of WA Inc. and will abide by the DoT Concessional Licence Code 404.
Form verification
Due to spam issues we have had to implement industry-standard user-validation. Please click the box below to ensure that the form is submitted correctly.

After clicking on "Submit" and going to the next page print the summary and carry it in the vehicle.