Event Pictures - 2010
Dwellingup Cruise
Date: 15/8/2010
Photos by: John Hartley
Charger Club of WA – Dwellingup Cruise
Although a cold start to the day the sun shone brightly on another Charger Club run to Dwellingup in stark contrast to last years run when the heavens opened up after we had parked the cars opposite the Dwellingup Pub.
We had two departure points for this run one from the Gateway Shopping Centre just off the Kwinana Freeway, where most of the cars congregated, but for the more adventurous members of the Club, which was myself with two others, we began at the Coles Maylands Shopping Centre car park!
So for our group we travelled along
Arriving at Dwellingup it was great to see the rest of the Club had waited patiently for us, sitting down, eating meals, drinks in hand, and basking in the warm sunshine with not a care in the world! It was a fantastic family atmosphere and especially pleasing to see so many wives, children and friends along for the cruise.
As usual with the last few runs I have tried to get everybody's car in a least one photograph, so apologies to anyone that I didn't manage to catch. We all know nobody likes their photograph to be taken and then put on the website but the ones I captured on this day could lead to some great captions, so have a meander through them and you'll see what I mean! Please enjoy.
To have events such as these it does a little organising so a big thankyou to the Charger Club Committee for putting together another great day which I hope was enjoyed by all who attended and missed by those that couldn't make it.
On a personal note again I was saddened after I left Dwellingup for the day, some of you may remember that on the road into the Townsite there were some road works where the Shire had clearly marked that there were loose stones on the road and to travel at 40km/hr. I was leading a group of three cars (not club members) slowly through this area when a car full of young guys came the other way doing at least 80-90km/hr, ignoring all the warning signs and inevitably cost me a windscreen and the pain of getting it replaced. So I can fully understand why some members keep their cars locked up, but hopefully most members are like me would will wear a bit of pain and keep the cars "Driven not Hidden"!